"The Funtastic Lab" - Porto - Portugal - 2014
- Top view
- Exterior view
- Interior view - Lab
- Top view
The proposal basic idea is born from a principle of topografhy and is informed by an interactive narrative that promotes healthy competition between users.
So to the imaginary, intention devoid, a didactic character based on experience has been added.
This lab basic intention is to promote experience, and knowledge achivement to children while playing. So here childreen can produce music, produce chemical experiments, share hugs and picture them, watch a movie or smply jump on the trampoline or ride the slide.
The combination of these diverse activities aims interactivity among children, and between children and the equipments in order to provide dialogue and proximity.
Technical Data
Design : Mário Lima / Castros SA
Location : Porto, Portugal
Client : Dolce Vita
Type : Comission - Study